experimental/sources/: iniconfig-2.0.0 metadata and description
brain-dead simple config-ini parsing
author_email | Ronny Pfannschmidt <opensource@ronnypfannschmidt.de>, Holger Krekel <holger.krekel@gmail.com> |
classifiers |
description_content_type | text/x-rst |
project_urls |
requires_python | >=3.7 |
File | Tox results | History |
iniconfig: brain-dead simple parsing of ini files
iniconfig is a small and simple INI-file parser module having a unique set of features:
maintains order of sections and entries
supports multi-line values with or without line-continuations
supports “#” comments everywhere
raises errors with proper line-numbers
no bells and whistles like automatic substitutions
iniconfig raises an Error if two sections have the same name.
If you encounter issues or have feature wishes please report them to:
Basic Example
If you have an ini file like this:
# content of example.ini
[section1] # comment
name1=value1 # comment
name1b=value1,value2 # comment
then you can do:
>>> import iniconfig
>>> ini = iniconfig.IniConfig("example.ini")
>>> ini['section1']['name1'] # raises KeyError if not exists
>>> ini.get('section1', 'name1b', [], lambda x: x.split(","))
['value1', 'value2']
>>> ini.get('section1', 'notexist', [], lambda x: x.split(","))
>>> [x.name for x in list(ini)]
['section1', 'section2']
>>> list(list(ini)[0].items())
[('name1', 'value1'), ('name1b', 'value1,value2')]
>>> 'section1' in ini
>>> 'inexistendsection' in ini