experimental/sources/: markdown-it-py-3.0.0 metadata and description

Simple index

Python port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right!

author_email Chris Sewell <chrisj_sewell@hotmail.com>
  • Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
  • Intended Audience :: Developers
  • License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
  • Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
  • Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
  • Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
  • Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
  • Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup
description_content_type text/markdown
keywords markdown,lexer,parser,commonmark,markdown-it
  • Documentation, https://markdown-it-py.readthedocs.io
  • Homepage, https://github.com/executablebooks/markdown-it-py
provides_extras testing
  • mdurl~=0.1
  • psutil ; extra == "benchmarking"
  • pytest ; extra == "benchmarking"
  • pytest-benchmark ; extra == "benchmarking"
  • pre-commit~=3.0 ; extra == "code_style"
  • commonmark~=0.9 ; extra == "compare"
  • markdown~=3.4 ; extra == "compare"
  • mistletoe~=1.0 ; extra == "compare"
  • mistune~=2.0 ; extra == "compare"
  • panflute~=2.3 ; extra == "compare"
  • linkify-it-py>=1,<3 ; extra == "linkify"
  • mdit-py-plugins ; extra == "plugins"
  • gprof2dot ; extra == "profiling"
  • mdit-py-plugins ; extra == "rtd"
  • myst-parser ; extra == "rtd"
  • pyyaml ; extra == "rtd"
  • sphinx ; extra == "rtd"
  • sphinx-copybutton ; extra == "rtd"
  • sphinx-design ; extra == "rtd"
  • sphinx_book_theme ; extra == "rtd"
  • jupyter_sphinx ; extra == "rtd"
  • coverage ; extra == "testing"
  • pytest ; extra == "testing"
  • pytest-cov ; extra == "testing"
  • pytest-regressions ; extra == "testing"
requires_python >=3.8
File Tox results History
73 KB


Github-CI Coverage Status PyPI Conda Code style: black PyPI - Downloads

Markdown parser done right.

This is a Python port of markdown-it, and some of its associated plugins. For more details see: https://markdown-it-py.readthedocs.io.

For details on markdown-it itself, see:


conda install -c conda-forge markdown-it-py


pip install markdown-it-py[plugins]

or with extras

conda install -c conda-forge markdown-it-py linkify-it-py mdit-py-plugins
pip install markdown-it-py[linkify,plugins]


Python API Usage

Render markdown to HTML with markdown-it-py and a custom configuration with and without plugins and features:

from markdown_it import MarkdownIt
from mdit_py_plugins.front_matter import front_matter_plugin
from mdit_py_plugins.footnote import footnote_plugin

md = (
    MarkdownIt('commonmark' ,{'breaks':True,'html':True})
text = ("""
a: 1

a | b
- | -
1 | 2

A footnote [^1]

[^1]: some details
tokens = md.parse(text)
html_text = md.render(text)

## To export the html to a file, uncomment the lines below:
# from pathlib import Path
# Path("output.html").write_text(html_text)

Command-line Usage

Render markdown to HTML with markdown-it-py from the command-line:

usage: markdown-it [-h] [-v] [filenames [filenames ...]]

Parse one or more markdown files, convert each to HTML, and print to stdout

positional arguments:
  filenames      specify an optional list of files to convert

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --version  show program's version number and exit


  $ markdown-it
  markdown-it-py [version 0.0.0] (interactive)
  Type Ctrl-D to complete input, or Ctrl-C to exit.
  >>> # Example
  ... > markdown *input*
  <p>markdown <em>input</em></p>


  $ markdown-it README.md README.footer.md > index.html

References / Thanks

Big thanks to the authors of markdown-it:

Also John MacFarlane for his work on the CommonMark spec and reference implementations.