internal/tools/: build-1.2.1 metadata and description
Simple index
A simple, correct Python build frontend
author_email |
Filipe Laíns <>, Bernát Gábor <>, layday <>, Henry Schreiner <> |
classifiers |
- License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11
- Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
- Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
description_content_type |
text/markdown |
project_urls |
- changelog,
- homepage,
- issues,
- source,
requires_dist |
- packaging >= 19.1
- pyproject_hooks
- colorama; os_name == "nt"
- importlib-metadata >= 4.6; python_full_version < "3.10.2"
- tomli >= 1.1.0; python_version < "3.11"
- furo >= 2023.08.17 ; extra == "docs"
- sphinx ~= 7.0 ; extra == "docs"
- sphinx-argparse-cli >= 1.5 ; extra == "docs"
- sphinx-autodoc-typehints >= 1.10 ; extra == "docs"
- sphinx-issues >= 3.0.0 ; extra == "docs"
- build[uv, virtualenv] ; extra == "test"
- filelock >= 3 ; extra == "test"
- pytest >= 6.2.4 ; extra == "test"
- pytest-cov >= 2.12 ; extra == "test"
- pytest-mock >= 2 ; extra == "test"
- pytest-rerunfailures >= 9.1 ; extra == "test"
- pytest-xdist >= 1.34 ; extra == "test"
- wheel >= 0.36.0 ; extra == "test"
- setuptools >= 42.0.0 ; extra == "test" and ( python_version < "3.10")
- setuptools >= 56.0.0 ; extra == "test" and ( python_version == "3.10")
- setuptools >= 56.0.0 ; extra == "test" and ( python_version == "3.11")
- setuptools >= 67.8.0 ; extra == "test" and ( python_version >= "3.12")
- build[uv] ; extra == "typing"
- importlib-metadata >= 5.1 ; extra == "typing"
- mypy ~= 1.9.0 ; extra == "typing"
- tomli ; extra == "typing"
- typing-extensions >= ; extra == "typing"
- uv >= 0.1.18 ; extra == "uv"
- virtualenv >= 20.0.35 ; extra == "virtualenv"
requires_python |
>= 3.8 |

A simple, correct Python build frontend.
See the documentation for more information.
can be installed via pip
or an equivalent via:
$ pip install build
$ python -m build
This will build the package in an isolated environment, generating a
source-distribution and wheel in the directory dist/
See the documentation for full information.
Code of Conduct
Everyone interacting in the build's codebase, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow
the PSF Code of Conduct.