internal/tools/: plaster-1.1.2 metadata and description
A loader interface around multiple config file formats.
author | Michael Merickel |
author_email | |
classifiers |
description_content_type | text/x-rst |
keywords | plaster,pastedeploy,ini,config |
provides_extras | testing |
requires_dist |
requires_python | >=3.7 |
File | Tox results | History |
plaster is a loader interface around multiple config file formats. It exists to define a common API for applications to use when they wish to load configuration. The library itself does not aim to handle anything except a basic API that applications may use to find and load configuration settings. Any specific constraints should be implemented in a pluggable loader which can be registered via an entrypoint.
See or docs/index.rst in this distribution for detailed documentation.
1.1.2 (2022-11-20)
Fix a bug in which plaster would crash harder than expected if a URI is specified to a distribution that does not have the specified entry points. Now a LoaderNotFound exception will be raised instead of a bad unpacking of tuples.
1.1.1 (2022-11-20)
Add support for Python 3.11.
Fix an bug introduced in 1.1 on some systems where plaster.exceptions.MultipleLoadersFound would be raised due to lib and lib64 being symlinked to each other and both added to the sys.path. See
1.1 (2022-10-06)
Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6.
Add support for Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10.
Drop runtime dependency on setuptools / pkg_resources by switching to importlib.metadata.
1.0 (2017-10-11)
Improve the exception message for InvalidURI to show the config_uri. See
0.5 (2017-06-02)
When a scheme is not supplied, plaster.parse_uri will now autogenerate a scheme from the file extension with the format file+<ext> instead of simply <ext> (for example, file+ini instead of ini). See
Absolute lookups are now pulled from the start of the scheme instead of the end. This means that if you want to explicitly define the package that the loader is pulled from, use package+scheme instead of scheme+package. See
0.4 (2017-03-30)
Removed the plaster.NoSectionError exception. It’s expected that individual loaders should return an empty dictionary of settings in the case that a section cannot be found. See
Expect the wsgi protocol to raise LookupError exceptions when a named wsgi component cannot be found. See
0.3 (2017-03-27)
Lookup now works differently. First “foo+bar” looks for an installed project distribution named “bar” with a loader named “foo”. If this fails then it looks for any loader named “foo+bar”.
Rename the loader entry point to plaster.loader_factory.
Add the concept of protocols to plaster.get_loader and plaster.find_loaders.
plaster.find_loaders now works on just schemes and protocols instead of full PlasterURL objects and implements the lookup algorithm for finding loader factories.
Change the ILoaderInfo interface to avoid being coupled to a particular uri. ILoaderInfo.load now takes a config_uri parameter.
Add a options dictionary to PlasterURL containing any arguments decoded from the query string. Loaders may use these for whatever they wish but one good option is default values in a config file.
Define the IWSGIProtocol interface which addons can use to implement a loader that can return full wsgi apps, servers and filters.
The scheme is now case-insensitive.
0.2 (2016-06-15)
Allow config_uri syntax scheme:path alongside scheme://path. See
Improve errors to show the user-supplied values in the error message. See
Add plaster.find_loaders which can be used by people who need a way to recover when ambiguous loaders are discovered via plaster.get_loader. See
Rename plaster.Loader to plaster.ILoader to signify its purpose as an interface with no actual implementation. See
Introduce plaster.ILoaderFactory to document what the entry point targets are expected to implement. See
0.1 (2016-06-12)
Initial release.