internal/tools/: setuptools-changelog-shortener-0.2.0 metadata and description
"setuptools-changelog-shortener: add only newest changelog entries to long_description"
author | Florian Schulze |
author_email | |
classifiers |
description_content_type | text/x-rst |
license | MIT |
platform |
project_urls |
requires_dist |
requires_python | >=3.6 |
File | Tox results | History |
This setuptools plugin allows shortening the number of changelog entries to use for the long_description metadata in Python packages.
First, ensure that setuptools_changelog_shortener is present in your build requirements.
# pyproject.toml
requires = ["setuptools>=45", "wheel", "setuptools_changelog_shortener"]
To enable changelog shortening, add the following section to your pyproject.toml:
# pyproject.toml
read_from = "CHANGELOG.rst"
write_to = "CHANGELOG.short.rst"
Then you use the CHANGELOG.short.rst file for your long_description metadata field.
Additional options are:
- count
The number of changelog entries to include. Defaults to 5.
- delimiter
The delimiter to look for in each entry. Defaults to the ^--+ regular expression to find docutils titles using - characters.
- title
The title to add to the top of the shortened CHANGELOG file. Defaults to Changelog\n=========.
0.2.0 (unreleased)
Fix error when count is bigger or equal the number of changelog entries.
Add tomli to build requirements.
0.1.0 (2022-02-07)
Initial release.